Wednesday, January 15, 2014


It gives great pleasure to introduce to you the main communication of the Cyril Murray Agency, The Cyril Murray Agency Blog.  On this site you will be getting clear up to date information about operations and development of our agency.  It will also be used as a platform to celebrate the successes of our team members as we triumph during this year.

Indeed this year embraces for us a solid approach to our whole new philosophy that will catapult us to realms of success that we have never experienced before.  This is the year of the QUANTUM LEAP, 2014. Last Meeting, we discussed in full what the Quantum Leap is and how it can impact us.  Many of our team members are new and got the opportunity to experience what our industry is all about.  The one thing that can surely be said is that we are all ready to burst into realms of success this year.

Each agent must experience the Quantum Leap.  Remember that no one will experience The Leap unless the following occurs:

  • You have come to a point where enough is enough
  • You have come to a decision to engage in things you have never done before
Success in 2014 requires:
  1. A re-positioning and re-alignment of self
  2. A re-alignment of personal consciousness, which may not be in tandem with your current reality
  3. Drastic decisions on demand followed by great feats of action
  4. A clear appreciation of pain past and a positive outlook for the future
  5. A willingness to embrace and engage an expectation of result, for which there is no previous record for
Preparing for our Leap is critical business at this moment.  It requires that we all come to a place of common consciousness and personal energy, with the belief and knowledge that we will more than achieve our personal quotas and that of the company.

Be focused.  Be enthusiastic.  Be Energetic.  And get ready for your LEAP.

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